What is YOUR Zone of Harmony?



You’re not at all great at these and they generally require specialized services. They are critical to running your business and require proper setup and maintenance. Some examples:

  • building a website
  • email marketing
  • event planning
  • accounting
  • CRM setup

You’re okay at doing these, but you don’t enjoy doing them and they take away from growing your business – you likely find yourself procrastinating these. Some examples:

  • document creation/editing
  • bookkeeping
  • social media content & management
  • CRM management
  • data entry


Zone of Harmony

You’re awesome at these but they don’t light you up. You likely do these without thinking about them and/or think it’s too time-consuming to train someone else to do them. Some examples:

  • client onboarding
  • calendar management/ appointment scheduling
  • inbox management
  • invoicing & payroll

What are your unique abilities? What lights you up? What are you passionate about? What would you do for free? These excite you and help you grow your business. Some examples:

  • coaching
  • business development
  • collaborating with peers
  • YOUR WHY, your reason for starting your business

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